6. Series for the project
Empty Space of the Unknown/Nothing Is Right Now Excerpt from my work diary during the Istanbul grant in 2016
I have found my experimental set-up: on small pieces of paper I draw the letters A, T, C and G with both hands. One by one, I use all my coloured pencils, which lie in their box in a random order. I expand on my method by adding a new rule: my right hand stays on the right-hand side of the sheet and my left hand on the left. In the middle there is an overlapping zone. I go on drawing until the single lines disappear in concentration. The drawing style is dependent on my mood each day, and so varies. Following on from these experiences, I create the next drawings. I go on and on drawing. There is no defined end; it will simply happen due to factors such as exhaustion or fresh inspiration.
Another Way of Saying
In Istanbul my research takes me to Boğaziçi University, to the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. I get to know the department and the laboratories, and later I am invited to present my own work there.
After the talk I give at Boğaziçi University, I receive a gift: a little tube containing a transparent liquid - human DNA, consisting of 3,300,000,000 base pairs of A, T, C and G. I turn the object into a part of the work
Another Way of Saying.