In October 2005 I received a grant to work for some time in Pinhel, Portugal. I lived in an old bishop's residence dating from the 17
th century. At the weekends I was the only person in the large stone building.
I didn't like my work room and felt that I couldn't work there. All my attempts to get a different room to work in from the municipality were unsuccessful. There was nothing I could do but accept the room after all. I looked out of the window a lot and observed the old castle.
Experimental set-up:
I leave my work room, go down the representative staircases and corridors to the exit, open the great gate and leave the building. I go towards the castle, climb up the tower and look in the direction of my work room. Then I return there, sit down at the table and draw the walk I have just experienced with my eyes shut, holding one pencil each in my left and my right hand.
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